(727) 299-9029 medriverah@gmail.com


This video by Dr. Justine Lee gives basic and important guidelines on when and how to induce vomiting in your pet if needed.

There are times when it is incorrect or dangerous to induce vomiting in your dog. When in doubt, contact your veterinarian, your emergency veterinarian, or the non-profit ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435 for life-saving advice 24/7. If you do induce vomiting, make sure to do so correctly with the right amount of hydrogen peroxide (3{6035da1f6007f4b68b5377ce8d3e333fd0cae6187682f86b84d38be0bcf7a0aa}), with recent ingestion, and as long as your dog isn’t showing any symptoms of poisoning.

The important points are:

  1. Best to call your veterinarian or Animal Poison Control first.
  2. Only safe thing you can use at home is First Aid Grade 3{6035da1f6007f4b68b5377ce8d3e333fd0cae6187682f86b84d38be0bcf7a0aa} hydrogen peroxide!
  3. The hydrogen peroxide must be fresh and not outdated. Pour some down the sink and see if it bubbles.
  4. Do not induce vomiting if your pet already has symptoms of poisoning or is too weak or comatose.
  5. Do not induce vomiting if your pet ingested something caustic or corrosive ,such bleach.
  6. Do not induce vomiting if your dog has a medical condition that could cause the vomitus to be aspirated into the lungs such as megaesophagus, laryngeal paralysis or in brachycephalic breeds (bulldogs, pugs, Boston terriers, etc) and it snores. Safer to have your veterinarian induce vomiting.
  7. Dose is 2 tablespoons (30 ml) per 25 lbs. Never give more than 4-5 tablespoons (60 – 75 ml) total.
  8. Another way to dose is give 1 milliliter (ml) per pound of body weight. One teaspoon is the same as 5 ml; therefore 1 tablespoon is 15 ml.
  9. Can use a turkey baster or syringe to give. Squirt the hydrogen peroxide into the back of the dog’s mouth.
  10. If vomiting has not occurred within 15 minutes or so, give one more dose of hydrogen peroxide measured out as described above. If vomiting still does not occur, call your veterinarian or the pet poison control center/hotline back for instructions.

This is the type of Hydrogen Peroxide you are looking for ( do not get 35{6035da1f6007f4b68b5377ce8d3e333fd0cae6187682f86b84d38be0bcf7a0aa} hydrogen peroxide):

Disclaimer: Please note that this content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Do not delay treatment based on this content, and when in doubt, seek veterinary professional advice!


Click here to learn about chocolate toxicity-poisoning.

Click here to learn how to give activated charcoal at home if you can not get to a veterinary hospital.


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Madeira Beach, FL 33708

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